Thursday, February 5, 2009

most recent photo just in case we need search and rescue

Well Mark and Scott are out trying to make their own "survivor man," episode. Yes the moore boys have camped alot, and are eagle scouts, but it doesn't calm a wife's heart. Although, I must say he is so handsome. But if bears are hungry they don't care if you're handsome. Please come with all your loins, i mean limbs. hahaha I'm funny


me and you plus two said...

ok so the boys came home ealier than planned, and "not because it was cold!" sheesh no one said you weren't a real man,calm down scottie boy! anyway they are home safe and sound after hiking up and down and sleeping on hard this is starting to ryhme a bit anyway glad to have my man home!

Sarah said...

WOw I am impressed Mark this is awesome. Hey if you guys ever need somone to go hiking and camping let me know, I am totally down with that. Plus I could shed a couple pounds. LOL

Sarah said...

I am using Sarah's account but this is Malin

Blackburn5 said...

It's nice to have a quite home when they go camping.