Saturday, September 18, 2010

slobber kisses all around

Wanna kiss!!!
Sometimes I look at her and wonder if she is really mine? Mine to keep for forever. I am so thankful to get to be a mommy. I count the best three blessings of my life every day in my prayers. I am so thankful to have this time home with them.
~I feel like she really likes me too. :)~
~She loves her bumbo seat- thank you to my good friend Carol for letting me borrow it-you rock! My three monkeys. Lauren is so good with her and helping me. Sometimes Lauren likes to wear glitter chapstick....sometimes I find Kayley covered with glitter kisses! Thomas with his signature sign-Thumbs up dude! Taken at Grandmas and Papas house in July 2010. Lauren 6, Thomas 5, and Kayley 3 mo.....this is Kayley bug at three weeks old or so.....

Here she is at 4 1/2 months old. This is her getting ready to squeal in delight face. Right before her eyes open she makes a squawk noise. And I believe for now her signature move is sticking her tongue out ALL THE TIME! Love my babes.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Mindy Gledhill - Anchor

I like this singer. Not usually into Indie music, more of a reba type gal.But this is so cute

Immense LOVE~

Tonight I came home and ranted and reved bc I had little black beetle bugs all over, annoyed. Kayley was crying, thomas was crying, even the DOG was crying. But my sweet husband just let me have my dark cloud and waited for it to pass. HE is always so good to me, even when I am a a not so fun wife to be around! He bathed the dog and took care of kiddos for me. Love him.