Tuesday, February 3, 2009

We love 'em

Lauren and I got to get a momma Chihuahua and her baby. Its fun to walk with Lauren and she has her dog and I have mine. This way too, I don't have to share. I am the best example!


Unknown said...

Lauren looks bigger. I didn't think the kids were allowed to grow without me there?! A Chihuahua huh? What does Gus think? And what did you name them!?

Ken and Cari said...

Fun to hear from you. I didn't knwo you had a blog...my parents said they saw you. I need to visit Ajo soon, it ahs been awhile!

me and you plus two said...

My chicuwaaaas, thats what lauren calls them are name trixie and belle. Gus is very tolerate and will sometimes chase them teasingly. Fun to watch

Blackburn5 said...

once you get her a hamster you can walk them together