So I am a little spoiled, and my sweet husband let me fly to Seattle to see my good friend Trish, who recently moved there from
Ajo. Dayna and I had a picture overload!

Trish's cute kids (molly,
megan, and Evan.)

At a "dutch" mall. It was so quaint and cute and everything...dutch!

We got to go to C-A-N-A-D-A eh? Well the border anyway. Trish on the border.

This was a fascinating piece of carved wood.

Trish thinking metric! Eh?

I don't know what to say for this one...

This was a cool market place. We even saw an old lady with a
pigeon on her head. She was homeless, but that bird was probably her pet. I am holding the sign, can you tell it was about to fall?

Dayna getting checked out by two dudes. You know it! Eat your heart out, we were there for the seafood!

Amazes me that buildings like these exist...small town girl. But seriously-man made structures-amazing!

dayna! Us on the plane foot loose and fancy free! Except the peanuts weren't free...I know LAME. "so is your face!" (Dayna will get it...I don't really think whoever is reading this that your face is lame. I suck at sarcasm.)